Parliament of World Religions - a report of the 2018 Toronto meeting.

The Parliament of the Worlds Religions

Steve and Lynne Myers


The Parliament of the World’s Religions was created to celebrate harmony among the world’s religions and spiritual communities, and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world


The vision of the Parliament of the World’s Religions is of a just, peaceful, and sustainable world in which:

•       Religious and spiritual communities live in harmony and contribute to a better world from their riches of wisdom and compassion

•       Religious and cultural fears and hatreds are replaced with understanding and respect

•       People everywhere come to know and care for their neighbors

•       The richness of human and religious diversity is woven into the fabric of communal, civil, societal and global life

•       The world’s most powerful and influential institutions move beyond narrow self interest to realize common good

•       The Earth and all life are cherished and protected, healed and restored


The Parliament of the World’s Religions seeks to promote interreligious harmony, rather than unity.

•       Seeking unity among religions risks the loss of the unique and precious character of each individual religious and spiritual tradition which is key to the framework of interreligious harmony

•       Interreligious harmony is an attainable and highly desirable goal

•       This approach respects, and is enriched by the particularities of each tradition

•       Within each tradition are the resources (philosophical, theological and spiritual teachings and perspectives) that enable each to enter into respectful, appreciative and cooperative relationships with persons and communities of other traditions.

2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions

Sessions Attended



  • Bringing Justice to the Food System of the Future: Ethics and the Role of Religious Communities
  • Integral Justice in a Global Era of Economic Polarization and Ecological Crisis (Climate related)
  • Speaking Truth to Power: Inviting Declarations on Religion, Justice, and Peace
  • Why People Flee: Addressing the Root Causes of Forced Displacement
  • Pathways to Peace: Different Perspectives
  • Integral Ecology and Justice (Climate related)

Women’s Dignity


  • Faith & Feminism: A Muslim, Christian, Celebration
  • gENDercide (End Gendercide)

Global Ethic


  • The Global Ethic and its Application to Questions of Immigration and Refugee Welfare

Next Generation


  • A Global Ethic Without Guidance: Millennials and the Search for Justice (SBNS) = Spiritual but not Religious
  • How Millennials Engage Their Faith, Spirituality and Morals in Today’s Issues
  • Diversity: Documentary Film

Countering Hate & Violence


  • Me, the “Other”: Documentary Film
  • Rise of Populism
  • “Faith in Chains”: The Movie


  • Peace Making on the Korean Peninsula

Steve & Lynne

  • Anatomy of a School Shooting

Sacred Space


  • Me, the “Other”
  • Reconstructionist Judaism: Forms of Worship Structure (Combination of Education and worship

Indigenous Peoples’ Program


  • Justice Models: Indigenous Justice and Resurgence

Climate Action


Communicating Effectively About Climate Change: an Evidence-Based Approach 

Interfaith Understanding


  • The Future of Religion
  • Empowering Courageous Conversation: Building the Capacity for Dialogue Across Differences
  • Hidden Saints and Drunken Sages (Concert & Storytelling)
  • Putting God Second: How Jews, Muslims & Christians Failed to Live Up to Ethics
  • Empowering & Engaging the Modern World’s  Impacts and Influences of the Parliaments


  • Death & Dying: Faith & Interfaith Perspectives
  • Sacred Knowledge: Interfaith discussion on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Sacred Texts
  • Interfaith Ministry in Refugee Resettlement

Science & Religion


  • The Unifying Potential of a Real God in the Scientific Universe
  • Science & Religion: A Unified Vision
  • The New Search for Life Beyond Our Solar System    

Something about Ourselves  


Ø  Born and raised in KS

Ø  B.A from Sterling College, Sterling, KS (1964)

Ø  Married Lynne in 1964

Ø  Three children: Seth, Linc, and Sancha

Ø  B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Kansas State University (1966)

Ø  M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Southern Methodist University (1969)

Ø  Employed by General Dynamics in Ft. Worth, TX

Ø  Employed by Northrop Grumman, Rolling Meadows, IL

Ø  Deacon 6 years, Palatine Presbyterian Church, Palatine, Il

Ø  Elder 15 years @, St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Ft. Worth;  and, Palatine IL

Ø  PNC Moderator @ St. Giles Presbyterian Church

Ø  Elder Representative to Chicago Presbytery

Ø  Leader and Participant in Churches;  Mission, Adult Christian Education; Food Pantries

Ø  Member of Immigration Taskforce and Guatemalan Partnership Team in Mission Presbytery

Ø  Seven Grandchildren from 8 years to 26 years 


v  Born and raised in IL

v  B.S. in Elementary Education Sterling College, Sterling,KS  (1965)

v  Married Steve in 1964

v  Taught one year of 1st Grade, Clay Center, KS; Taught K two years in Ridglea Presbyterian Church, Ft. Worth, TX

v  Three children: Seth, Linc and Sancha

v  10 years of church and community service

v  M.Div. from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL; (1982)

v  D. Min. from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Il (1993)

v  Leader and participation in Blackhawk, Chicago, deCristo, and Mission Presbyteries

v  Moderator, Chicago Presbytery (2005)

v  Served as Pastor in churches in rural, suburban and urban churches from 50 to 1,500 members in 3 States

v  Served as Interim Pastor to 5 churches and as Interim Executive Presbyter to 1 Presbytery

v  Taught PCUSA Interim Ministry Education for 13 years @ 4 geographic sites

v  Seven Grandchildren from 8 years to 26 years

Parliament of World Religions

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