Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God is central to his ministry and appears throughout the Gospels, particularly in his parables and sermons. However, the exact nature of this kingdom has been widely debated among theologians and scholars.
Biblical Perspective: What Did Jesus Mean?
1. A Present Reality and a Future Fulfillment
• Jesus often spoke of the Kingdom of God as something that was already present but also something that was still to come.
• Luke 17:20-21 – Jesus tells the Pharisees, “The kingdom of God is in your midst” (or “within you” in some translations), suggesting it was already breaking into history.
• Matthew 6:10 (Lord’s Prayer) – “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” suggests an ongoing process of God’s reign being realized.
2. Not a Political Kingdom
• Many in Jesus’ time expected the Messiah to establish a political kingdom that would overthrow Rome. But Jesus rejected this idea.
• John 18:36 – “My kingdom is not of this world.”
• Instead of an earthly kingdom, Jesus described a spiritual reign where God’s rule transforms people’s hearts and lives.
3. The Kingdom’s Ethical and Social Implications
• Jesus’ teaching emphasized that those who follow him must live according to kingdom values: humility, mercy, justice, and love.
• Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount) – Jesus describes the character of those who belong to the kingdom, such as the meek, the pure in heart, and peacemakers.
How Have Modern Scholars Interpreted the Kingdom of God?
1. Albert Schweitzer (Early 20th Century) – Apocalyptic View
• Schweitzer argued that Jesus expected the imminent arrival of a supernatural, apocalyptic kingdom that never materialized. He saw Jesus as a failed eschatological prophet.
2. C.H. Dodd – Realized Eschatology
• Dodd argued that the Kingdom of God was not a future event but had already been inaugurated by Jesus. In this view, Jesus’ miracles and teachings demonstrated that God’s rule was already present in the world.
3. George Eldon Ladd – “Already and Not Yet”
• Ladd combined both views, arguing that the kingdom was already present in Jesus’ ministry but not yet fully realized. This perspective has become widely accepted in Protestant theology, including Presbyterianism.
4. N.T. Wright – Political and Theological Interpretation
• Wright argues that Jesus was redefining Jewish expectations of the kingdom. He sees Jesus’ ministry as both an announcement of God’s rule and a challenge to oppressive powers, calling people to allegiance to God rather than earthly rulers.
Presbyterian Perspective
Presbyterians, following Reformed theology, generally hold to Ladd’s “already/not yet” view. The kingdom is already here in the church, in transformed lives, and in God’s work in the world. Yet, it is not yet fully realized and will only be consummated at Christ’s return.