NT Wright's Hope
Mike Ervin

N.T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope: A Comprehensive Review

In Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright challenges common Christian assumptions about life after death, heaven, and the ultimate Christian hope. His central argument is that many Christians have misunderstood the biblical message, adopting a Platonic or medieval view of the afterlife rather than the vision presented in Scripture.

Key Arguments in the Book

1. Misconception: “Going to Heaven When You Die”

• Wright argues that the popular idea that Christians “go to heaven” as their final destination is an incomplete and misleading version of biblical teaching.

• Instead of a purely spiritual afterlife, he emphasizes the resurrection of the body and the renewal of creation.

2. Bodily Resurrection and the New Creation

• Wright insists that the ultimate Christian hope is not disembodied existence in heaven but bodily resurrection in a renewed physical world.

• He draws from 1 Corinthians 15, where Paul describes the resurrection body as physical but transformed.

• He connects this with Revelation 21-22, where heaven and earth are reunited, and God dwells with His people in the renewed creation.

3. The Kingdom of God and the Present Life

• Wright critiques the idea that Christianity is only about escaping this world. Instead, he argues that Christians are called to participate in God’s work of renewal now.

• Good works - justice, beauty, and evangelism - are not just temporary efforts but part of God’s future kingdom breaking into the present.

4. Purgatory, Hell, and Universalism

• Wright rejects both the traditional Catholic doctrine of purgatory and the idea of a literal fiery hell, favoring a more nuanced view of final judgment.

• He is not a universalist but leans toward C.S. Lewis’ The Great Divorce idea -that hell is real, but it is ultimately about people choosing to reject God’s rule.

5. Critique of “Rapture Theology”

• Wright opposes dispensationalist views of the “rapture” (popular in some evangelical circles), arguing that 1 Thessalonians 4:17 describes believers meeting Christ as he returns to reign on a renewed earth, not an escape from the world.

Counterarguments from Other Theologians

1. Traditional Evangelicals (John MacArthur, Wayne Grudem, etc.)

• Some evangelical theologians argue that Wright downplays the importance of individual salvation and the intermediate state (what happens between death and resurrection).

• Critics say he focuses too much on corporate renewal and social justice while not emphasizing personal redemption enough.

2. Catholic and Orthodox Perspectives

• Catholics may take issue with his rejection of purgatory, as they see it as part of the purification process before entering God’s presence.

• Eastern Orthodox scholars agree with Wright on resurrection but often emphasize theosis (union with God) more than he does.

3. Dispensationalists (Tim LaHaye, John Walvoord, etc.)

• Those who hold to a pre-tribulation rapture strongly disagree with Wright’s dismissal of their eschatology.

• They argue that Wright misinterprets 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and underestimates the significance of Israel in biblical prophecy.

4. Universalists and Annihilationists

• Some believe Wright does not go far enough in redefining hell.

• Others (such as annihilationists) argue that his view of hell as separation from God still does not fully account for biblical texts that suggest the wicked will be destroyed rather than tormented eternally.

Overall Impact and Conclusion

Wright’s Surprised by Hope has been highly influential, particularly among mainline Protestants and Reformed theologians, including many Presbyterians. His emphasis on resurrection and new creation aligns well with Reformed eschatology, which often stresses the continuity between this world and the world to come.

NT Wright's Hope

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