Bible Overview Ruth
Mike Ervin


1. Introduction to Ruth
• Title & Placement: The book of Ruth is placed between Judges and 1 Samuel in Christian Bibles and within the Ketuvim (Writings) in the Hebrew Bible.
• Purpose: A story of redemption, covenant faithfulness, and divine providence set during the time of the Judges.

2. Authorship & Date
• Traditional View: Some attribute it to Samuel, but the text does not specify an author.
• Scholarly View: Likely written during the monarchy (10th–6th century BC), with some arguing for a post-exilic date (5th century BC).
• Linguistic Evidence: Some features of the Hebrew suggest a later composition.

3. Intended Audience
• For Israelites: Demonstrates God’s faithfulness and the inclusion of Gentiles in His plan.
• For Post-Exilic Readers: Encourages loyalty to God’s covenant, showing that foreigners who embrace Yahweh can be included in Israel.

4. Major Themes
• Loyalty & Covenant Faithfulness: Ruth’s devotion to Naomi reflects God’s faithfulness.
• God’s Providence: Even in dark times, God is at work.
• Redemption & Chesed (Loving-Kindness): Boaz as a kinsman-redeemer prefigures Christ.
• Inclusivity in God’s Plan: Ruth, a Moabite, becomes part of David’s lineage.

5. Chapter-by-Chapter Overview

Chapter 1: Loss & Loyalty
• Setting: Famine drives Elimelech’s family to Moab.
• Crisis: Elimelech and his sons die, leaving Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah as widows.
• Turning Point: Ruth’s famous declaration of loyalty: “Where you go, I will go…” (Ruth 1:16-17).
• Naomi’s Return: Arrives in Bethlehem bitter, saying, “Call me Mara” (1:20).

Chapter 2: Providence & Provision
• Ruth Gleans in Boaz’s Field: Introduces Boaz, a relative of Naomi.
• Boaz’s Kindness: Protects and provides for Ruth.
• Naomi’s Hope Restored: She recognizes Boaz as a potential kinsman-redeemer.

Chapter 3: Redemption in Motion
• Naomi’s Plan: Ruth approaches Boaz at the threshing floor.
• Boaz’s Response: Praises Ruth’s virtue and agrees to redeem her if another relative does not.
• Tension: Will the nearer kinsman redeem Ruth?

Chapter 4: Redemption & Restoration
• Boaz’s Legal Action: Assembles elders and negotiates with the nearer kinsman.
• Boaz Marries Ruth: Secures the family’s inheritance.
• The Genealogy: Ruth and Boaz become ancestors of King David, linking to Jesus in Matthew 1.

Bible Overview Ruth

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