The Book of Acts: Overview
Traditional View:
• Attributed to Luke, the physician and companion of Paul (Colossians 4:14,
Philemon 24).
• Early church fathers (Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius) affirm Luke
as the author.
• Acts is the second volume of a two-part work, the first being the Gospel of
Luke (Acts 1:1).
Modern Scholarly View:
• Most scholars agree Luke wrote Acts but acknowledge that it was likely based
on various sources, including eyewitness testimonies, travel narratives, and
early Christian traditions.
• Some debate exists regarding whether Luke was a direct companion of Paul,
given differences in theological emphasis and historical details.
Date of Authorship
• Traditional View: 60–62 AD, before Paul’s trial in Rome was concluded.
• Modern View: Most scholars date it to 80–90 AD, after the destruction of
Jerusalem (70 AD), based on literary style, theological development, and
dependence on Mark’s Gospel.
• Some suggest a later date (90–110 AD), but this is debated.
Intended Audience
• Addressed to Theophilus (Acts 1:1), likely a wealthy Gentile patron or a
symbolic name meaning “lover of God.”
• Written for both Jewish and Gentile Christians, explaining how Christianity
spread from Jerusalem to Rome under the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Major Themes
1. The Holy Spirit – The driving force behind the spread of the Gospel,
empowering believers (Acts 2, 4:31).
2. The Birth & Expansion of the Church – The movement from a Jewish sect to
a worldwide faith.
3. The Inclusion of Gentiles – Demonstrates that salvation is for all people
(Acts 10, 15).
4. Persecution & Martyrdom – The suffering of the apostles, especially
Stephen and Paul (Acts 7, 21–28).
5. The Apostolic Mission – Focus on Peter (Acts 1–12) and Paul (Acts 13–28) as
leaders of the faith.
6. God’s Sovereignty – Despite opposition, the Gospel spreads as God’s plan
unfolds (Acts 5:38-39).
Chapter-by-Chapter Summary
I. The Birth of the Church (Ch. 1–7)
• Ch. 1 – Jesus’ Ascension, choosing Matthias to replace Judas.
• Ch. 2 – Pentecost, Peter’s sermon, 3,000 converts.
• Ch. 3 – Healing the lame man, Peter’s speech.
• Ch. 4 – Peter & John before the Sanhedrin, boldness in persecution.
• Ch. 5 – Ananias & Sapphira, apostles miraculously freed from prison.
• Ch. 6 – Choosing the seven deacons, Stephen accused.
• Ch. 7 – Stephen’s speech & martyrdom.
II. The Church Expands to Judea & Samaria (Ch. 8–12)
• Ch. 8 – Philip in Samaria, Ethiopian eunuch baptized.
• Ch. 9 – Saul’s (Paul’s) conversion.
• Ch. 10 – Peter & Cornelius, Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit.
• Ch. 11 – Peter defends Gentile inclusion, Antioch church grows.
• Ch. 12 – James martyred, Peter freed by an angel, Herod’s death.
III. Paul’s Missionary Journeys (Ch. 13–21)
• Ch. 13–14 – 1st Missionary Journey (Paul & Barnabas).
• Ch. 15 – Jerusalem Council, Gentiles not required to keep the Mosaic Law.
• Ch. 16–18 – 2nd Missionary Journey (Paul, Silas, Timothy).
• Ch. 19–21 – 3rd Missionary Journey, Paul’s ministry in Ephesus.
IV. Paul’s Arrest & Journey to Rome (Ch. 22–28)
• Ch. 22–23 – Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem, trials before the Sanhedrin.
• Ch. 24–26 – Paul before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa.
• Ch. 27 – Shipwreck on Malta.
• Ch. 28 – Paul arrives in Rome, the Gospel reaches the heart of the empire.